A15 Reduce indoor temp. and airflow in pig housing
Last Update:
Measure | Sector | Net Effect | Impact | Reliability | Tech. rqmt. | |||||
NH3 | N2O | NOx | Nr to water | N2 | ||||||
A15 Reduce indoor temp. and airflow in pig housing | Sector Livestock farming | Net Effect 2 | NH3 2 | N2O | NO2 | Nr to water | N2 | Reliability Robust | Tech. rqmts. Medium |
Implementing barn climatization in pig housing through slurry cooling, roof insulation, and automatically controlled natural ventilation can significantly contribute to reducing these ammonia and methane emissions (Bittman et al., 2014; Sutton et al., 2022a) (Figure 1). By lowering the temperature and air velocities in the barn, ammonia emissions from manures can be minimized since ammonia production is temperature-dependent. Additionally, these measures can have the added benefit of reducing methane emissions, as they create a more controlled and optimized environment for livestock, leading to better digestion and waste management (Huynh et al., 2004). However, it is important to recognize that the feasibility of modulating indoor climate conditions to curtail ammonia production is subject to variability and is often contingent upon bioclimatic considerations. The fundamental imperative remains the prioritization of animal comfort and well-being. A holistic approach encompassing the integration of these methodologies empowers livestock operators to attain heightened sustainability and ecological stewardship in their operations, concurrently upholding optimal standards of animal welfare.
This measure is regarded as a dependable, but depending on system may require intermediate technological requirement to reduce nitrogen emissions.

Figure 1. Pigs in pigs housing. Picture source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pigs-feeding-in-spacious-barn-4636983/
Measure Efficiency
The percentage reduction in ammonia emissions achieved by reducing indoor temperature and airflow in pig housing can vary based on several factors, including the initial conditions, the degree of temperature and airflow reduction, the specific management practices, and the characteristics of the pig housing facility.
Utilizing fans to implement surface cooling of manure through a closed heat exchange system is a method that exhibits a reduction efficiency ranging from 45% to 75%, dependent on the specific animal category and the configuration of the cooling fins' surface (Sutton et al., 2022b). This approach becomes particularly cost-effective when the harvested heat can be redirected to warm other structures like weaner houses, as demonstrated by Huynh et al., (2004). For slurry systems, this technique often lends itself to retrofitting within existing buildings. However, it's important to note that this system may not be suitable in scenarios involving straw bedding or feed with substantial roughage content. This is due to the potential development of a layer of residual matter on the slurry's surface.
Whilst few studies have assessed the percentage reduction in nitrogen (i.e. ammonia) emissions that can be achieved by reducing indoor temperature and airflow in pig housing, the following general assumptions are made:
Reducing Indoor Temperature: Lowering the indoor temperature can potentially lead to reduced ammonia emissions. Ammonia emissions are often higher at higher temperatures due to increased volatilization of ammonia from manure and urine. However, the actual reduction in ammonia emissions depends on the temperature change and the specifics of the housing system. Reducing the temperature of manures by a few degrees may potentially lead to an estimated reduction in ammonia emissions ranging from 5% to 20%.
Reducing Airflow: Decreasing the airflow in pig housing can also influence ammonia emissions. Adequate ventilation is essential to maintain good air quality and animal health. However, reducing airflow too much can lead to poor air quality and negative effects on the pigs. The impact on ammonia emissions will depend on the extent of airflow reduction. It's challenging to provide a specific percentage reduction without knowing the exact conditions, but in some cases, substantial reductions in airflow might result in significant changes in emissions.
It's important to note that estimates can vary widely based on the specifics of the housing system, the pigs' age and health, diet and other manure management practices. Any changes in temperature and airflow should be carefully monitored to ensure they don't compromise the well-being of the animals. Before implementing any changes to temperature or airflow, it's recommended to consult with experts in animal husbandry, veterinarians, and agricultural engineers to ensure that the changes align with animal welfare standards and environmental regulations.
How to implement
Implementing barn climatization to reduce indoor temperature and airflow in pig housing involves a combination of various techniques and technologies. The following steps may be required:
- Assessment and Planning: Evaluate the current ventilation system, temperature conditions, and airflow patterns within the pig housing. Determine the specific needs of the pigs in terms of temperature and comfort to ensure that changes don't compromise their well-being.
- Roof Insulation: Install insulation in the roof to prevent excessive heat transfer between the outside and the indoor environment. This helps maintain a more stable temperature and reduces the need for extreme cooling or heating.
- Automated Ventilation Control: Implement an automated ventilation system that adjusts airflow rates based on temperature, humidity, and other environmental parameters. Use sensors and controllers to regulate fans and air inlets to maintain optimal conditions while minimizing energy consumption.
- Cooling Systems: Install evaporative cooling systems like misters or foggers, which can help reduce indoor temperature by evaporating water into the air. Consider using pad-and-fan cooling systems that draw air through wet pads, cooling it before it enters the barn.
- Thermal Mass: Introduce thermal mass materials, such as water containers or concrete floors, that can absorb and release heat slowly, helping stabilize indoor temperatures.
- Shade Structures: If applicable, provide shade structures outside the barn to minimize direct sunlight exposure and reduce heat absorption.
- Airflow Management: Adjust air inlets and outlets to control the direction and intensity of airflow. Use baffles, curtains, or other devices to direct air toward pig areas and prevent drafts.
- Monitoring and Control: Set up a monitoring system that tracks indoor temperature, humidity, and other relevant parameters. Use the data collected to fine-tune the climatization strategies and ensure they're effective.
- Animal Management: Regularly observe pig behaviour and health to ensure they're comfortable and not experiencing stress due to temperature changes. Adjust climatization strategies based on observed animal responses.
- Maintenance and Upkeep: Regularly inspect and maintain all equipment, including fans, sensors, and cooling systems, to ensure they're functioning optimally. Clean air inlets, filters, and other components to prevent obstruction and maintain efficient airflow.
- Training and Expert Consultation: Train personnel responsible for managing the barn's climate control systems. If needed, consult with experts in agricultural engineering, animal husbandry, and HVAC systems to ensure the most effective implementation.
It is critical to note that implementing climatization techniques should prioritize the welfare of the pigs while also aiming to reduce emissions and enhance energy efficiency.
Implementing barn climatization to reduce indoor temperature and airflow in pig housing can offer several benefits which include:
When considering the benefits, it's important to conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis that takes into account the specific characteristics of the operation, the local climate, available technologies, and financial considerations. Working with agricultural experts and consulting with industry peers who have implemented similar systems can provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of barn climatization for the pig housing facility.
Captial Costs
The capital costs of implementing barn climatization to reduce indoor temperature and airflow in pig housing can vary significantly based on factors such as the size of the facility, the specific technologies chosen, the level of automation, and local market conditions. Here's an overview of potential cost components:
It's challenging to provide precise cost estimates without detailed information about the specific project. However, for reference, the overall capital costs for barn climatization improvements could range from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the complexity of the system and the size of the facility. To accurately estimate the costs, it's recommended to consult with agricultural engineers, HVAC professionals, and suppliers of the relevant equipment.
Operational Costs
Potential operational costs to consider include the following:
It is important to note that while implementing climatization systems can lead to improved pig health and productivity, the associated operational costs must be carefully managed to ensure the overall economic viability of the project. Factors specific to location, climate, technology choices, and facility size are required to estimate operational costs accurately. Working with experts in the field can help to make informed decisions about system operation and maintenance.
Implementing barn climatization to reduce indoor temperature and airflow in pig housing comes with potential risks and challenges that need to be carefully considered and manage. These may include the following:
To mitigate these risks, it's crucial to conduct thorough research, seek advice from agricultural experts, and plan carefully. Performing a detailed cost-benefit analysis, understanding the specific needs of the operation, and selecting appropriate technologies can help to navigate these risks and make informed decisions about implementing barn climatization in pig housing.
Bittman, S., M. Dedina, C.M. Howard, O. Oenema, and M.A. Sutton, editors. 2014. Options for Ammonia Mitigation: Guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh, UK.
Huynh, T.T.T., A.J.A. Aarnink, H.A.M. Spoolder, M.W.A. Verstegen, and B. Kemp. 2004. Effects of floor cooling during high ambient temperatures on the lying behavior and productivity of growing finishing pigs. Trans. ASAE 47(5): 1773–1782. doi: 10.13031/2013.17620.
Sutton, M., C. Howard, K. Mason, W. Brownlie, and Cm. Cordovil, editors. 2022a. Nitrogen Opportunities for Agriculture, Food & Environment. UNECE Guidance Document on Integrated Sustainable Nitrogen Management. UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Edinburgh, UK.
Sutton, M.A., C.M. Howard, K.E. Mason, W.J. Brownlie, and C.M. d. Cordovil, editors. 2022b. Nitrogen Opportunities for Agriculture, Food & Environment. UNECE Guidance Document on Integrated Sustainable Nitrogen Management. UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Edinburgh, UK., Edinburgh, UK.
Will Brownlie
UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Scotland